ACT Listening Session

Anne Arundel Connecting Together (ACT) is conducting a virtual listening session concerning e-learning this fall.  We are each asked to respond, as we are led, to the following comments and questions.  Please share your (or their) stories as well, if you are so lead and can do so without violating anonymity or privacy. 

We know there are many things that are probably keeping you up at night about e-learning in the fall. But if you had a magic wand that could do anything but get rid of the pandemic, what one thing would you change about learning in Anne Arundel County in the fall?

What is your child’s (or grandchild’s) greatest concern about e-learning?

What ideas do you have about solving some of these issues?

Timing and schedule have led to this post (rather than Zoom) as a way of conducting a virtual listening session. The point is to “hear” as many persons’ concerns as possible before taking any position, ensuring ACT is identifying local leaders and working together to raise the voice of those affected. Please send email to with your responses.