Committees & Contacts

Committees are the important places where most of our Meeting work is done.  They form at the beginning of the calendar year, and are comprised of Committee Clerks/co-Clerks/Assistant Clerks and the other volunteer committee members.  Committees typically meet each month.

The spirit-led deliberations and decisions arrived at during these meetings comprise the necessary leavening that informs the agenda of the monthly Business Meetings.

Items requiring Meeting approval are presented at Business Meetings by Committee Clerks or their representatives.  A resulting decision, to be accepted by the Meeting, will be one that is arrived at in unity of the entire gathered body. If unity is not obtained, the deliberation is returned to the committee, and held over for further consideration.

The different committees, organized to support Annapolis Friends Meeting in its core workings, are detailed below.  As an AFM member or attendee, please consider joining a committee to realize the full measure of being part of our AFM community.

The following list includes our committees and other functions.  Each title is a hyperlink to a page with more information about that committee.

CHILDREN’S RELIGIOUS EDUCATION:  Nancy Jo Steetle, Point of Contact,

COMMUNICATIONS:   Ellen McBride, Clerk,

LIBRARY:  Nan Elsbree, Martha Lurz, Co-Clerks,

MEETINGHOUSE & LAND:  Kim Finch, Jeanne Ward, Co-Clerks,

MINISTRY & WORSHIP:  Ann Riggs, Clerk,

NOMINATING: Wes Jordan, Clerk,

OUTREACH:  Tom Wolfe, Joan Miller, Co-Clerks.

PASTORAL CARE:  Barb Thomas, Clerk,

PEACE & SOCIAL CONCERNS:  Phil Caroom, Clerk,

QUAKER MARKET:  Cairn Krafft, Clerk,

STEWARDSHIP & FINANCE:  Wes Jordan, Clerk,

TRUSTEES: Jack Lahr, Clerk,

Affiliated Organizations

Climate Stewards of Greater Annapolis:

Collington Kendal Meeting for Worship1st, 3rd, and 5th Tuesday s at 4 pm in the chapel 10450 Lottsford Rd., Mitchellville, MD 20721. Attenders are invited to stay for dinner.  Contact Steve W. 301-925-7581;

North County mid-week Meeting for Worship: 1st Tuesday 7 to 8 pm.  For more information, contact

West River Burial Ground: Dating back to 1672, the West River Quaker Burial Ground is an historic site that includes 92 burials.