Meeting’s Minutes

Quakers meet to worship, make decisions and to gather with Friends. Minutes are drafted and agreed on as the meeting progresses and represent the official decision once the wording has been approved by the group. In especially sensitive situations, a special committee may draft a minute before consideration by the meeting. Also, a minute is a statement of belief that an individual or group would like to record for others to see, both now and in the future, about a certain topic or person. This is recorded in the minutes of our meeting for business and is held as a permanent record of our meeting’s discernments and convictions. It will become part of the history of this meeting. It can be used to stimulate thought, discussion and action among other meetings and/or to inform various decision-makers beyond our meeting of our deeply held beliefs. The two types of minutes are categorized here as Meeting Discernments and Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business (MfW wAtB) meeting minutes.

Meeting Discernments

Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business Minutes


Name Downloads Version Owner Last Modified
Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business
23 downloads 1.0 Ellen 09-05-2022 11:57
40 downloads 1.0 Ellen 04-04-2022 12:13
47 downloads 1.0 Ellen 12-03-2022 19:45
45 downloads 1.0 Ellen 05-03-2022 17:46

Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business MInutes - Previous Years