Meeting Discernments

A Minute is a record of a corporate decision made collectively by Annapolis Friends Meeting. The Discernments and their narrative accompaniment become records of the sense of the Meeting. These are not the business minutes from the Meetings for Worship with Attention to Business (MfW wAtB) or committee meeting minutes. They are unique statements and declarations that the Annapolis Friends Meeting have discerned, approved and adopted.
Name Downloads Version Owner Last Modified
Meeting Decision Minutes
51 downloads 1.0 Ellen 03-01-2022 11:24
170 downloads 1.0 Ellen 09-02-2021 12:13
102 downloads 1.0 Ellen 23-11-2020 17:46
97 downloads 1.0 Ellen 23-11-2020 17:45
84 downloads 1.0 Ellen 23-11-2020 17:43
87 downloads 1.0 Ellen 23-11-2020 17:41
153 downloads 1.0 Marjorie Kehoe 21-11-2020 11:36
157 downloads 1.0 Marjorie Kehoe 21-11-2020 11:35
99 downloads 1.0 Marjorie Kehoe 21-11-2020 11:33
148 downloads 1.0 Marjorie Kehoe 21-11-2020 11:33
85 downloads 1.0 Marjorie Kehoe 21-11-2020 11:31
103 downloads 1.0 Marjorie Kehoe 21-11-2020 11:26